B21 Jupyter Notebooks

Description Notebooks are an efficient way to make self-documenting code and scripts and make data science a bit easier.
Video intro >Data analysis with Jupyter video series.
Reading >CodeRefinery Jupyter course
Questions >For what kind of work Jupyter suits the best? >How is a Jupyter kernel launched?
Aalto JupyterHub for students/misc work, JupyterHub for HPC

Jupyter Notebook is part of the Project Jupyter together with JupyterHub and JupyterLab. It provides an online environment for creating documents which can contain executable code, explanatory text and other resources (e.g. graphs).

Jupyter Notebook is good for teaching, demonstrating and sharing ideas and testing out examples in browser. With a large codebase and more advanced projects it is better to seek out other options as version control and automated testing become harder.


If you have installed Anaconda, Jupyter should already be installed on your machine. See that your Jupyter installation is working by typing jupyter-notebook in the shell. JupyterLab can be launched by typing jupyter-lab.

See here for optional extensions you can install in the notebooks.